Blast From The Past

Todays Torrents

Here are the torrents I found today...

Braylon Edwards Spoils Knicks

According to Yahoo Sports, Braylon Edward's trade to the Jets is likely to spoil the Knicks' chances of signing LeBron James. As if the fact that the Knicks are a bad team isn't enough to keep LeBron away, the Knicks have also been worried that they can't afford to offer the same kind of deal that the Cavaliers can offer their forward. I guess the lesson learned here is don't screw your loser New York counterparts (even though the Jets play in Dirty Jerz) by signing the guy that pushed around LeBron's BFF outside of some club. For more on this you can catch the story here:

Via Yahoo

Lesbian Island Myth May Cripple Chinese Internet

Ok, I just stumbled upon one of the funniest articles I've ever read... Apparently the men in China believe that there is an isolated part of Sweden with 25,000 lesbians, and it is guarded by 2 blonde women... There are reports of the internet providers over in China getting stressed to the point of "paralysis", because so many Chinese men are searching for the mythical land known as Chako Paul City...
To read the article, follow the link below...

You Can Now Protect Your Health Via Suit

A Japanese menswear company has created a suit to protect you from the swine flu... The suit is coated with Titanium Dioxide... You can find this chemical in toothpaste... So, I'm assuming i can just coat my cheap suit with toothpaste and be good... There isn't much to say about this, but wow... I can't believe they made a suit to protect you against swine flu... I personally would rather just get the vaccine, but that's just me...
To read the article follow the link below...

Solar Powered Shingles

I'm a huge believer in solar power... If we just used up all that space that nobody wants to touch in the desert to put solar panels up, we could power up the world without using oil... Dow Chemical Company has developed solar panels that replace your shingles on the roof... They claim that they will be affordable, but I doubt it... I think the whole concept is a good idea, and hopefully it becomes widely used... It doesn't take that much solar power to power a house... It is really practical and it looks a lot better than those huge solar panels stickin' up off the roof...
To read the article and see more pictures, follow the link below...

Dell to Cut 900 Jobs

Dell is going to cut 900 jobs in America, 600 of which are being cut next month... Dell is basically saying f--k America in my opinion... I can't believe that they would cut this many jobs for the holiday season... I don't like Dell anyway, but if I did, I certainly wouldn't want to be supporting them... This is just another company proving Marx's ideas that capitalism has a suicidal gene... All the big companies search the world for the cheapest labor and outsource the work... There is already too high of a People to Job ratio... I'd like to see these 900 people defend capitalism after next month...
To read the article, follow the link below...

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus Trailer

This is the trailer for The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, the last film that Heath Ledger was working on when he passed away. He happened to have passed away before filming had completed and 3 actors stepped in to fill his shoes throughout the rest of filming... The 3 actors are Johnny Depp, Jude Law, and Colin Farrell. This movie looks pretty trippy... From what I gathered from the trailer, it's about some immortal dude who likes 16 year old girls... Description and video after the break...

Thoughts On: The Staten Island Ferry

Have you ever been on the Staten Island Ferry? It's the only free way to get on to Staten Island and it's the only option you have if you're taking mass transit before 3 PM. Beyond that, actually being on the ferry is an experience and a half. Almost every time I've been on the ferry there has always been some little booger crying/screaming at the top of their lungs. If that isn't good enough for ya, you have the parent yelling at the kid even louder than the kid could ever be. What is one to do to escape the horrors of the whining toddler? Step outside onto the deck. This is a good way to get nice and sick during the colder months of the year. Furthermore, almost always is the deck crowded with tourists taking pictures of the Verrazano Bridge or the Statue of Liberty. Besides the fact that they're wielding their cameras you can tell they're tourists by their oh so fashionable tiny back packs, thus branding them as the European counterpart to the American hipster. Once in a while you are lucky enough to bare witness to the ever popular NYC crazy person. Are they talking to you? Are they yelling at YOU?! Nobody knows, not even them and are you really going to ask them for that matter? You might just strike up a conversation with them about how they can control the weather or they can pick the winning lottery numbers but they just choose not too. Before you know it, thirty minutes has passed and you have survived a free trip from Manhattan to Staten Island.

This has been another installment of Thoughts On!

OOO Venom

I honestly didn't know they were going to make a Venom movie after the not so stellar reviews of the the 3rd Spiderman movie... but as it turns out they are looking for the same guy who did the rewrites to the 4th Spiderman movie to do the rewrites to the Venom movie... While I'm sure the that 70's show reunion special would cast Topher Grace, I don't think hes getting this gig...
For more info and the article follow the link below...