Todays Torrents

Actually just torrent today... could only find one good one... imo anyway...

Vince Vaughn Overload...

Here is an article I found that has 22 awesome Vince Vaughn quotes and some videos... Btw, I'm a huge Vince Vaughn fan... he has the best lines in his movies, Idk if they are scripted or improved, but either way... he makes me giggle...
To read the article and watch the videos, follow the link below...

Nobody Trailer

What I gathered from the trailer is that it's about this kid whose about to finish graduate school and is not sure if he should pursue a career as an artist... He goes through what I would describe as a pre-mid-life crisis... Now, this isn't usually the type of film I'm interested in, but I found this trailer at least to be humorous in it's own way and it hints that the film will be somewhat profound...
Video after the description...
Lindeman, a sculptor in his last semester of art school, is stuck. His final project – a two ton block of granite – stands front and center in his studio, an ominous reminder of the daunting task ahead. To begin working Lindeman needs to be inspired but the problem is: where do you look for inspiration? Lindeman tries the Goth scene, the gay scene, the vegan revolution scene. He tries falling in love, becoming one with mother nature, and passing himself off as an intellectual. He tries everything he can think of but, in the end, he might just realize he doesnʼt need to be somebody to be someone. Flying under the radar - being nobody - has its perks.

Good Hair Trailer

If I told you that I was gonna make a documentary about hair and make it funny, would you believe that I could pull it off?... Well, I guess Chris Rock thought he could do it, and here is the result...
Video after description...
An exposé of comic proportions that only Chris Rock could pull off, GOOD HAIR visits beauty salons and hairstyling battles, scientific laboratories and Indian temples to explore the way hairstyles impact the activities, pocketbooks, sexual relationships, and self-esteem of the black community. Director Jeff Stilson follows Chris Rock on this raucous adventure prompted by Rock’s 5-year old daughter approaching him, asking, “Daddy, how come I don’t have good hair?” Celebrities such as Ice-T, Nia Long, Paul Mooney, Raven Symoné, Maya Angelou, Salt n Pepa, Eve and Reverend Al Sharpton all candidly offer their stories and observations to Rock while he struggles with the task of figuring out how to respond to his daughter’s question.

XBox 360 Dashboard Update

The next update for XBox 360's Dashboard is going to include Zune marketplace,, Facebook, and Twitter... I don't use Twitter and I don't own a Zune, but the other two sound like a great addition to XBox... With the Facebook integration, you will be able to see which of your Facebook friends have XBox Live... which is awesome... now i can finally get my ass kicked by someone my own age... I was excited for the integration until i found out you couldn't do anything else while it was running... that kinda blows... but it's still nice to use for party situations and what not, when you don't have such a good playlist for said event... XBox FTW...
If you want to read more or watch the related video, follow the link below...

Seinfeld Reunion

When Seinfeld ended over a decade ago, nobody expected the group to be sentenced to a year in prison. This time around on Curb Your Enthusiasm, the cast of Seinfeld has gotten on with their lives having achieved mild success (if that means shouting racial slurs on a stage at a comedy club) with few prospects, and as a ploy to win back creator Larry David's fictional wife, have joined back together to create a reunion show. Check out this news clip with some interviews and footage:

Obama Taking Care-o-Business

President Obama recently approved the increase in soldiers being sent to Afghanistan. According to CNN, in the near future some 12,000 soldiers will be deployed to the Afghan Region. Of the soldiers being deployed, 8,000 of them will be Marines and 4,000 of them will be from the Army. In time, that number will increase to 17,000, adding to the already 38,000 soldiers currently deployed there. Not only is President Obama increasing more soliders to the region, he and his advisers are also re-formulating the objectives and goals of the Afghan campaign. For more information on this and the complete article, follow the link:

via CNN

Do As I Say Trailer...

This is a trailer for a documentary style movie about Hypocrites in the public spotlight as "humanitarians" i guess you would say... Here is the description of the video on youtube by username kol...
Video below description...
In a film that will forever change how we see America and its leaders, filmmakers Nicholas Tucker and Lucas Abel take us on an unforgettable journey through a political landscape filled with hypocrites and humbugs. Along the way, they reveal a disturbing national truth: that the two-faced mantra do as I say, not as I do has become the unwritten golden rule of some of our most prominent liberal leaders.

Filmmaker Michael Moore, a self-styled working-class boy from Flint, Michigan, claims never to have owned a single share of stock. But don't be fooled by his scruffy jeans and baseball cap. Moore, who lives in a lavish lakeside mansion with Eminem and Kid Rock as neighbors, owns a sizable investment portfolio through his foundation—including stock in Halliburton, Pfizer, Merck, Tenet Healthcare, and other companies he vilifies in his films.

Public Enemy No. 1: Homeless?

Chicago's own public enemy, Al Capone, has his Wisconsin hideout put up for auction, according to The 407 acre home was bought by a private family who used the house as a tourist attraction. Due to economic downturn the family has been forced to sell Capone's compund. For the entire story and pictures follow the link:


A Compilation of South Parks Best Political Movements

If your a fan of South Park, I suggest following the link and watching these videos... It's a compilation of the best "South Park" political movements... Lots of George W. Bush... Everyone loves to watch George W. Bush get made fun of...
To see the videos, follow the link below...

Guy Reviews Windows 95 as if Windows 7...

Found this funny article about how this guy went to buy a pirated version of Windows 7 on ebay and was sent Windows 95 instead... Unable to get a refund, he went on to write his review anyway... I think this is a hilarious concept and I literally laughed out loud reading this...
To read the article, follow the link below...

Nip/Tuck Season Premier

Anxiously awaiting the season premier of Nip/Tuck, it will be moved to Wednesday nights for season 6 and it will begin next week, October 14th at 10PM. According to, this season we will see a new surgeon added to the cast. Does that ring a bell to anyone? The epic fail that was Dr. Quentin Costa who had a couple of pieces missing from his puzzle (that's a joke, get it?).

For more information on this season as well as videos and other goodies follow the link:

Via FX

The Senate Gets Involved in Corrections...

The Senate just passed a bill allowing states to petition the FCC to allow them to use cell phone jammers at prisons within their state. Apparently prisoners manage to get cell phones through smuggling and what not, and they have found all attempts to put a stop to it fruitless... So, instead of stopping the bringing in of cell phones, they will just make them useless, unless they figure out how to make them into a shank, and in that case, there is no shank jammer available... Yet... BTW congress, if you feel the urge to pass some healthcare bills, feel free...
For more info, follow the link...

Brett Favre Sets Another Record...

Now to go along with his records for most touchdown passes and most interceptions, Brett Favre and the Vikings along with Aaron Rogers and the Packers have set a cable viewership record... This Monday Night Football game averaged 21.8 million viewers making it the biggest audience in cable TV history. ESPN must be excited that their nonstop barrage of Brett Favre coverage finally payed off and got them the highest ratings they've ever gotten... We'll see where the love is when Favre announces he will "retire" again...
For more info, follow the link...

Marlon Wayans to be Richard Pryor...

Originally Eddie Murphy was supposed to portray Richard Pryor in the developing biopic, but Eddie Murphy backed out and so did Fox Searchlight... News has been going around that Marlon Wayans is in negotiation to play the character now... I would make a comment about Marlon Wayans here, but I actually like Marlon Wayans... I think he can do drama as well as comedy... Did you see his drama scenes in "White Chicks"... C'mon... real gold there... I'm interested to see how Marlon Wayans will portray Richard Pryor and which other Wayans will make a cameo...
For more info, follow the link...

David Letterman Has Sex?

After his apology on Monday night in front of both a studio audience and whoever the hell watches his show, it was revealed that David Letterman has sex. Now there's nothing wrong with that being as how that's how you got here, how I got here and how 1.3 billion people in China got here. But is this the face you want to think about when YOU are having sex? Sources point to no.

The Griswolds Are Back!

Well, just found out that they are going to make a new "Vacation" movie. It will be a sequel to the original and will follow Rusty Griswold's family. Rusty will be a father in this film. There are talks of the grandparents making an appearance... I don't know quite how I feel about this. I am a fan of the original movies, but I don't know if they will be able to capture the cheap laughs they got from the first time around. Without Chevy Chase in the lead role, is this really a "Vacation" movie?
For more info, follow the link...

Pirates of the Carribean 4

So I just found this article about the source material for POTC 4. It turns out Disney optioned a book titled On Stranger Tides by Tim Powers. POTC 4 will share the name and the idea that the main character will be searching for the fountain of youth as suggested at the end of POTC 3. In the source material the main character hooks up with the famous Blackbeard to find said fountain. I think the kid in me really wants to see this happen, but they better do some real good casting and character development for Blackbeard, because I can just imagine how corny it could end up...
For more info follow the link...

Showgirls Sequel... WTF?!

Do I even need to say anything... A sequel is being developed for one of the worlds worst movies... Do you remember the first one starring Saved By the Bell's Elizabeth Berkley...? Sure the concept of Jessie Spano naked may sound good on paper... but it sure didn't translate into a hit on film... This film basically destroyed this woman's "career" and it's sure to ruin someone elses...
For more info follow the link...