Actually just torrent today... could only find one good one... imo anyway...
Lindeman, a sculptor in his last semester of art school, is stuck. His final project – a two ton block of granite – stands front and center in his studio, an ominous reminder of the daunting task ahead. To begin working Lindeman needs to be inspired but the problem is: where do you look for inspiration? Lindeman tries the Goth scene, the gay scene, the vegan revolution scene. He tries falling in love, becoming one with mother nature, and passing himself off as an intellectual. He tries everything he can think of but, in the end, he might just realize he doesnʼt need to be somebody to be someone. Flying under the radar - being nobody - has its perks.
An exposé of comic proportions that only Chris Rock could pull off, GOOD HAIR visits beauty salons and hairstyling battles, scientific laboratories and Indian temples to explore the way hairstyles impact the activities, pocketbooks, sexual relationships, and self-esteem of the black community. Director Jeff Stilson follows Chris Rock on this raucous adventure prompted by Rock’s 5-year old daughter approaching him, asking, “Daddy, how come I don’t have good hair?” Celebrities such as Ice-T, Nia Long, Paul Mooney, Raven Symoné, Maya Angelou, Salt n Pepa, Eve and Reverend Al Sharpton all candidly offer their stories and observations to Rock while he struggles with the task of figuring out how to respond to his daughter’s question.
In a film that will forever change how we see America and its leaders, filmmakers Nicholas Tucker and Lucas Abel take us on an unforgettable journey through a political landscape filled with hypocrites and humbugs. Along the way, they reveal a disturbing national truth: that the two-faced mantra do as I say, not as I do has become the unwritten golden rule of some of our most prominent liberal leaders.Filmmaker Michael Moore, a self-styled working-class boy from Flint, Michigan, claims never to have owned a single share of stock. But don't be fooled by his scruffy jeans and baseball cap. Moore, who lives in a lavish lakeside mansion with Eminem and Kid Rock as neighbors, owns a sizable investment portfolio through his foundation—including stock in Halliburton, Pfizer, Merck, Tenet Healthcare, and other companies he vilifies in his films.
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