Do As I Say Trailer...

This is a trailer for a documentary style movie about Hypocrites in the public spotlight as "humanitarians" i guess you would say... Here is the description of the video on youtube by username kol...
Video below description...
In a film that will forever change how we see America and its leaders, filmmakers Nicholas Tucker and Lucas Abel take us on an unforgettable journey through a political landscape filled with hypocrites and humbugs. Along the way, they reveal a disturbing national truth: that the two-faced mantra do as I say, not as I do has become the unwritten golden rule of some of our most prominent liberal leaders.

Filmmaker Michael Moore, a self-styled working-class boy from Flint, Michigan, claims never to have owned a single share of stock. But don't be fooled by his scruffy jeans and baseball cap. Moore, who lives in a lavish lakeside mansion with Eminem and Kid Rock as neighbors, owns a sizable investment portfolio through his foundation—including stock in Halliburton, Pfizer, Merck, Tenet Healthcare, and other companies he vilifies in his films.


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