MTV Tries to Justify Leaving Off Eminem from Hottest MC List...

If you happen to be a hip hop fan or of have visited the MTV website in the past few months, there has been a lot of publicity surrounding MTV's annual Hottest MC list which is a result of 10 people compiling their list and ranking them... This year was a little different in that they created a poll for the fans to become the 11th judge... Well the poll results were released before the ranks were given and Eminem got the highest votes from fans by a long shot, but was no where to be found on the list when it was all said and done... The fans went crazy and spammed the comments and sent in mail complaining that Eminem wasn't on the list... Even the lists #1, Jay-Z, said that they messed up... Personally, I agree with the fans here, he has the highest selling album this year beating #1, and out versed #s 2-4 on the SAME SONG... Well after a week or two of all the attacks MTV released an article on the web stating why Eminem didn't make the list... To read that article and the subsequent spam attacks follow the link below... 


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