Nobody Trailer

What I gathered from the trailer is that it's about this kid whose about to finish graduate school and is not sure if he should pursue a career as an artist... He goes through what I would describe as a pre-mid-life crisis... Now, this isn't usually the type of film I'm interested in, but I found this trailer at least to be humorous in it's own way and it hints that the film will be somewhat profound...
Video after the description...
Lindeman, a sculptor in his last semester of art school, is stuck. His final project – a two ton block of granite – stands front and center in his studio, an ominous reminder of the daunting task ahead. To begin working Lindeman needs to be inspired but the problem is: where do you look for inspiration? Lindeman tries the Goth scene, the gay scene, the vegan revolution scene. He tries falling in love, becoming one with mother nature, and passing himself off as an intellectual. He tries everything he can think of but, in the end, he might just realize he doesnʼt need to be somebody to be someone. Flying under the radar - being nobody - has its perks.


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