Thoughts On: Walking Around NYC

Odds are you have walked around New York City before, it's one of the most popular destinations in the entire world as well as one of the most powerful through its financial, economic and materialistic ways. Ever get stuck behind the slow walker? I know I have. Yes, the slow walker, the person(s) who unlike 99% of NYC are not in a hurry to get to wherever it is they're going. Who are they kidding? EVERYONE in NYC is in a hurry to go somewhere, where do they get the audacity to walk incredibly slow and hold you up? How's about the person with the roller bag, you know, that luggage they're rolling around midtown. Not only are they taking up the small little area around their person but they are also taking up the 3-5 feet behind them that their little suitcase on wheels is keeping between them and you. It's even worse when they bring that damn bag on the subway and the doors open and close a good couple of times delaying the train. Speaking of the subway, hows about the person walking between cars while the train is moving? They're not supposed to do it, it's illegal, yet they do it anyway? Oh well, not my problem, just an observation.

This has been an installment of Thoughts On!


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