Thoughts On: Wolverine vs. Deadpool

It's pretty safe to say that before any of the X-Men movies came out that Wolverine was the clear fan favorite. His attitude, fighting style and vernacular clearly made him stand out from the others (you got a problem there rookie?). Unbeknown-st to those who didn't regularly read comics was another mutant, dubbed "the merc with a mouth", yes I am referring to Deadpool. Of relevance here is that both characters share a rapid healing factor which grants them an almost unlimited source of strength and stamina but they are also trained martial artists which proves them to be worth adversaries for each other. It is this writer's opinion that Deadpool even has a more interesting history than Wolverine does, one that includes genetic altering, death, insanity and yet he keeps on thriving. Wolverine...............memory loss. Sure, we know his story but does he? Oh yea maybe that adds to his suffering, longing to know his past and all, but what good is it if you don't remember half the stuff you did. Besides, it only took his own comic series with Cable and four movies for Deadpool to get his time on the silver screen.


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